Documentary Film: “Paper Abortion”


NCM is currently partnering with a UK film company and director, Lisa Downs, to produce a documentary film about men’s reproductive rights. Our working title is “Paper Abortion.” Filming in the United States began in December of 2019 but was suspended in March of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic…

Important Update for the Fall of 2023: Here We Go!

After more than three and a half years of shooting in the field and several Covid related delays, we have finally completed filming and are now turning a couple hundred hours of unedited video into a documentary film. The teaser, which is intended to create interest in the film, is now available for you to view on Vimeo. You can view the teaser by clicking on the link at the end of this page. If you watch it, please take the time to post your comments, suggestions and opinions. We will refer to your comments as we complete the editing of our film.


editing the teaser… You can view the teaser by clicking on the link below.

We will use this space to post photos, summaries, video excerpts and updates on the filming and production of “Paper Abortion.”

Director Lisa Downs interviews Matt Dubay’s mom, Dianne Jahr, in her Michigan home. Dianne gave a powerful, personal account of Matt’s ordeal of forced fatherhood and as well as his experience as the plaintiff in “Roe vs. Wade for Men.”

We can tell you that the interviews we have conducted have been intense and highly emotional. The interviewees, all NCM clients, have been incredibly articulate. Their stories are compelling. The director, Lisa Downs, is an accomplished filmmaker and is doing a fabulous job. We are all optimistic that we are making what will become an important and persuasive film.


Brooklyn, NY: Lisa speaks with an NCM client being forced into fatherhood and fighting back for equal choice.  A brutally honest and emotional interview.


We could use your help!

If you want to support the production please make a donation here. We will need your support to have the resources required to aggressively promote our film.

If you can assist with the design and maintenance of our website, please call us at 631-505-3686.



“Paper Abortion” the teaser

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