Links to “MensNet” television shows produced by NCM
Please visit MensNetTV on YouTube to access all our videos.
Each of the following has been posted in three separate parts:
The Vagina Dialogues
(featured video)
Censorship on Campus with John Leo
Understanding Female Sexual Desire
(our most watched video)
Parental Alienation with Amy Baker
Circumcision: Assault on Male Sexuality
(our most well-liked video)
The Sexual Politics of Divorce
Combating Discrimination Against Men
Talking Intimately (is it possible?)
Men’s Reproductive Rights (equal choice)
Why Do Men See Prostitutes?
(our most disliked video… we struck a nerve?)
Real Divorce Reform with Beverly Willett
New MensNet Vlog Posts to Youtube:
Silencing Men: Censorship of MRA’s