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Counseling Enrollment

The National Center For Men provides telephone consultations by advocate-counselors experienced in a variety of issues of concern to men.

Counseling is strictly confidential.

Our approach is to help you in a way that is both practical and supportive. We offer expert analysis of your problems and we look for creative solutions. Consultations are thorough and usually intense. We cover a lot of ground in two hours.

You can find more information about NCM advocacy-counseling on our Counseling Information Page.

The fee for counseling is not tax-deductible because it is a fee for services rendered, not a charitable contribution. We charge for our services so that we will survive to counsel people who will need our help next year and the year after that. The fees we collect are a major source of our funding, covering basic operating expenses. And so, when you retain NCM, you will be getting valuable help for yourself at the same time you will be helping others who will also need our counseling.

(There may be a delay of a week or two before you will get to speak to an NCM counselor. If you need urgent assistance, please call us when you enroll and we will do our best to accommodate you.)

Fee Schedule

We offer two kinds of initial consultations, priced at $240 or $135.

The fee for our customary, initial consultation is $240. This includes the time we spend reviewing documents, case histories and summaries you send to us, a two hour telephone conference for you with an experienced NCM advocate-counselor, and one follow-up conference. We request a small, tax-deductible donation of $10 in addition to your initial counseling fee but you do not have to make a donation to receive NCM counseling. You may omit the donation, if you wish. There is never an additional charge for document review or a follow-up consultation. Additional consultations beyond the follow-up, if you require them, will be billed at $100 for sessions which will last at least one-hour.

The fee for an initial consultation of about two hours, without an extensive, prior document review or a follow-up, is $135. If you choose this consultation, you are encouraged to send us a detailed e-mail summary of your concerns and questions, along with a narrative history. We recommend this option if you have a new case or if you want our help with problems or issues not connected to any specific case.

When sending documents to NCM, please send us reasonably sized e-mail attachments to help@nationalcenterformen.org . Or call us to make other arrangements. You may also use our contact form to send us case summaries and your contact information, including your telephone number. We will call you within a few days of our receiving your material to schedule a telephone conference at your convenience.

GOOD NEWS: Effective May, 2023 we received a grant which will help low income individuals pay for NCM counseling. You automatically qualify for this financial assistance if you have a low income and limited resources. We deliberately don’t define “low income.” Essentially, you can claim this assistance if our fee will pose a hardship for you. And we are on the honor system here: While we don’t require proof of your income or assets, we do ask that you send us an email briefly describing your circumstances. Once you request assistance, the grant will pay a portion of your counseling fee, regardless of which category of counseling you choose. Simply select the corresponding “low income” category from the drop down menu below.

We encourage you to avail yourself of this assistance if you need it but please don’t claim the assistance if you can afford our customary fees. This grant is limited… once it’s gone we may not get another one. So please preserve the aid for people who need it if you don’t.

If you live in the New York metropolitan area, we can make referrals to excellent NCM attorneys. Please let us know if you will want a referral. (NCM counseling is not a substitute for the representation or advice you can get from a lawyer.)

Do you have questions about our advocacy-counseling? We encourage you to call our office before you enroll. Call us at 631-505-3686, M-F from 12 noon to 6:00 pm, eastern time.

New NCM Client

Complete case history review, two-hour or longer telephone conference and follow-up. Includes a $10 donation.
Select “Without Donation” if you don’t want to make a contribution to NCM.
Select “No Document Review” if you have no documents to send.

Sale Price: $250.00
Choose from drop-down menu:

Current NCM Client

Advocacy-counseling session of at least one-hour for a current or former NCM client.

Sale Price: $100.00