Our Mission… for over 35 years!
- Educating the public about how men are hurt by sex discrimination
- Advocacy of men’s equal rights
- Counseling of men and women from a male-positive point of view
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NCM is currently partnering with a UK film company to produce a documentary film, “Paper Abortion,” about men’s reproductive rights and Roe vs. Wade for Men.
Fall 2023 Update: The teaser is now completed and is available for you to see on Vimeo! For a link to the teaser, updates and photos click here.
Your tax-deductible Donation will help NCM thrive in 2025.
gifts are available… please choose your gift when you make your donation
Your donation now will have maximum impact, furthering the production and promotion of our documentary film about men’s choice.
NCM on “Dr. Phil” — the false accusation: a weapon in child custody disputes
Silencing Men: Censorship of Men’s Rights Activists and Free Speech
About The National Center For Men…
The National Center For Men, incorporated in 1987, is dedicated to the advocacy of men’s equal rights. We educate the public about how men have been hurt by sex discrimination and we also counsel individuals and families who have been damaged by discrimination against men… Welcome to our website. We hope your visit is informative and helpful.
Our History

The Atlantic covers Mel’s 25 years with The National Center For Men.
The National Center For Men has a long track record of public advocacy of men’s equal rights, especially on radio and television talk shows. Our representatives have argued for men’s rights, fathers’ rights and men’s reproductive choice. We have educated the public about male victims of domestic violence, men’s health concerns and how men are often victimized by false accusation, particularly during divorce. We have resolutely made the case for men’s equality in every area of life, including the right of men to make choices traditionally reserved for women.
Our History in Media
MensNet Television
NCM on Dr. Phil
MensNet TV Links
False Accusation as a Weapon
Selected Interviews
Peter Foy’s Battle
Our Counseling Service
The National Center For Men operates an affordable, nationwide telephone counseling service staffed by caring and knowledgeable counselors with an informed, male-positive perspective. We can help you if…
- you are enduring a difficult divorce,
- you are being forced into paternity and/or an unfair child support obligation against your wishes,
- you are a victim of domestic violence,
- you want to escape the narrow gender role restrictions imposed on men,
- you have been hurt by a false accusation, parental alienation or employment discrimination,
- you are a divorced father fighting for child custody or more time with your children,
- you want to discuss any area of men’s liberation, including men wearing skirts or men working in non-traditional jobs,
- you want to explore sexist double standards confronting men during dating and in their relationships with women,
- you suffer from the lingering effects of conscription or circumcision or any other form of sexism or violence against men,
- you want to learn more about gender politics or any other aspect of the movement for men’s equal rights.
- Enroll in our Counseling Program
Our Issues
In addition to our bedrock issues of men’s equal rights, fathers rights and men’s reproductive rights, The National Center For Men has consistently addressed dozens of other important gender issues, publicly and in our counseling service. We have raised concerns about sexual harassment law, false accusation of rape, sexist grooming and dress codes, female sexual power, the military draft, male homelessness, family violence, anti-male discrimination in academia, in prisons, in healthcare, in the media… We believe that we are the only organization in the world that has focused on all men’s issues, without exception. We have always understood that all men’s issues are connected and that a successful men’s movement must be willing to seriously consider all of them.
The power of our movement comes from the compelling themes, such as equal choice and equal partnership between men and women, themes which form the foundation of all men’s issues.
More info on Our Issues
Parental Alienation Q&A
Child Support Talking Points
Bumper Stickers for Fathers’ Advocates
When Is It Rape?
“Black Corduroy Pants”
Roe vs. Wade for Men
Articles by Activists
Our Speakers
The National Center For Men provides speakers for lectures, workshops, conferences and media interviews, print and broadcast. We welcome your inquiries.
Our Gifts to You
The National Center For Men offers thank-you gifts to our contributors. You may choose from among an NCM Consensual Sex Contract and Reproductive Rights Affidavit or edited compilations of our work on television talk shows.
More info on Our Gifts to You…
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy has always amounted to this: We believe that men should enjoy the same choices, freedoms and privileges in their lives that women now take for granted in theirs. It is just that simple and that basic and that important to us.
We believe that men’s issues should always be presented to the public with passion and civility.
We believe that greater equality between the sexes will allow men and women to form more loving and more intimate personal relationships. And so, we think that a movement for men’s equality will benefit women, too.